Photography Shout-Out …

When it comes to photography there are many who capture great images but few who capture your interest.

In this blog we would like to give a shout-out to the talents of two photographers we have been watching for a little while now. Each have their own style and creative eye for landscape and nature-type photos that, for one reason or another, have captured our interest and compelled us to follow both.

First we would like to mention Andrew Nichols. Andrew is someone we know from way back. In fact, we were in a feature film together back in 2009 titled “The Death of Kevin Frye” where we both played bad guys. It was a fun time and we met some good people. But we digress. What draws us in to his photo’s is his ability to see the same world we all see everyday but in a close, intimate and warm light. From the sunrises and sunsets, to the silk-like water, to the extreme close-ups of food and animals and various every-day items, to the life bringing starburst he discovers on even the tiniest twig – his skill and creativity has been growing with no limit to what he will discover next. This is why we like his photography and we look forward to seeing what interesting sights he uncovers next in this world that others see as mundane.

The second person we would like to mention is a gentleman by the name of Wayne David. Mr. David tends to create photos with eagles in them but have a bright and colorful painting-like (contrast and saturation) quality to them that ensures the viewer feels the beauty of the colors displayed. His ability to combine the American symbol with the openness of the landscape and colorful sky speaks of the American spirit and adventure and the freedom to create a future one wants and be what one desires.

We hope each continue their photography and continue to capture our world, its beauty and our interest.